Monday, August 07, 2006

The Scenic Route

For Haiku Monday, this week's assignment is to take the road less traveled.

I can reach my destination on the interstate, or... not!

the four-lane is fast,

but I'd rather go slowly

where red rocks beckon.

Oh! Bet this would make a good fib assignment too!

For more on this location, see Historic Red Rocks!


Crafty Green Poet said...

stunning photo! I can really relate to your haiku too. I love the red rocks beckoning.

susanlavonne said...

fib away! (we'll put a paranthetical link :-)

the photo and haiku take my breath away...i want to BE there!

Becca said...

Now that's what I call a scenic route! I'd "go slowly" too - for lots of reasons! Stunning photo and haiku to match :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful- great lines and the sight of those red rocks against the stormy sky!

Jennifer S. said...

how gorgeous, don't you just love the scenic route!

madretz said...

I wanna go there!

Tammy Brierly said...

That would certainly beckon me :) Awesome haiku and photo.

Maxly said...

Yes, yes, I would rather go where the red rock beckon. Thanks for reminding me

Ian russell said...

well, i agree with that - i once added about 30 minutes onto my daily journey so as to avoid the monotony of the motorway.

that looks like wonderful country - a fine poem, sl.

Mimey said...

The layout adds a lot to the poem. Space, taking its time, savouring the flavour.

claireylove said...

I am learning to savour the journey without being overwhelmed by the prospect of the destination. this post was a wonderful boost!

Anonymous said...

"where red rocks beacon" is a great flow of sound. Gorgeous looking area too.