When you visit these sites, please remember, it's kind to comment!
And if you are one of the sites mentioned here, please promote the
carnival by providing a link back. Thanks!
Whenever you're in need of a little something to whet your botanical appetite, you can check in anytime at A Plant a Day, where we're being introduced to delights from the central Great Basin. We'll pass on the Water Hemlock in favor of Wild Licorice, thanks just the same!

Rabbit stew might end up on the menu at Phytophactor's, as he tries to balance the local backyard ecosystem. The Phactor introduced us to the sad malady of plant blindness a while ago, from which we're glad to say BGR lovers aren't suffering. He also introduces us to Magnolia, in a feature he calls "Know Your Genera," a very important skill in figuring out plants.
If you are having trouble with that, explore the perils of plant identification in Panama with Mary at Neotropical Savanna as she walks us thru the process of identifying a new plant, and her predicament reveals the pleasure of solving a puzzle, as well as how to go about identification.

Hugh at Rock Paper Lizard offers a favorite grocery of that old weed-eater Euell Gibbons at Typha through the seasons, as well as a charming look at the much maligned Common Mullein.
Jeremy at Agrobiodiversity brings a favorite food of summer to the feast, with a post about corn (maize) traditionally kept by the Pawnee people. He mentions this story on the advantages of variegation, hoping someone else can provide us more detail.
The delightful and delectable Bluebunch Wheatgrass is species of the week at Elizabeth Enslin's table. Elizabeth is a lawn-hating recovering academic who learns to love grass, after years of fighting invasive grasses in lawns at Yips and Howls.
I can't resist cycads, even though they're rarely edible and often toxic. Tai haku introduces us to Zamia portoricensis, mother and child at Earth, Wind, and Water. You'll find links to all his cycad posts on this page.
Bobbie the Backyard Grower brings dessert, reminding us that Blueberry Benefits include anti-aging effects in addition to the other touted benefits of this dark luscious fruit.
Lastly, because you can't make a meal without killing something and to help us keep everything in perspective, Sarcozona reminds us of What We Killed Thursday at Gravity's Rainbow. While this particular species was declared extinct in the wild rather than completely extinct, the damaged herbarium specimen she found is apparently the only record of Erythroxlym echinodendron. Sadly, there don’t seem to be any reintroduction projects in place or even specimens being studied in botanical gardens.
That concludes our banquet today, thanks for coming. I hope you find it satisfying despite my tardiness in getting it together. Stay tuned to Berry-Go-Round headquarters for the location of next month's buffet. Meanwhile, it's summer—get out there and eat it up!
A very interesting selection! Thanks for including my posts.
Great edition, and several interesting new blogs for me to check out- thanks!
What great articles! Thanks so much for including us =) We're quite excited to explore many of these blogs, which we haven't visited before.
awesome carnival and thanks so much for adding me even though I totally spaced on carnival submissions (btw - by my (rough) count there are around 70 new cycad species posts to come following this weekend - i'll be updating the list shortly)
I've been mostly offline for awhile now and am only now getting to explore these wonderful posts. Thanks for including mine on Bluebunch Wheatgrass.
Great post. It will take some time to go through this.
Since you are on my blogroll,
you know I like your blog.
I Like the great photos and writeups.
I am back blogging again.
I just started a new WordPress Blog, 'I C U Nature' for Nature Only!
Click here to see the blog.
It will take some learning to work out the differences between WordPress and Blogspot.
The new blog is bare bones right now, with just the masthead and two posts.
Come visit and tell me what you think,
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