Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcoming the New Year

...with a little moisture! At least it kept up through the day, giving us this view about 4 p.m. yesterday afternoon.

And, bright and early this morning, a crisp 6-8 degrees (-15 C), and we have, maybe 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) of snow to match... seems like less by this afternoon.

The view this afternoon includes our semi-domestic herd of ungulates, come to see if there's chicken food or birdseed available. Bob the quail has been pretty invisible all day. Now that it's warmed up to 15 (10 C), I took hot water out to the coop area an hour ago, and there he was, right in front of the coop door. We've been half expecting an extra during beak count—is tonight going to be the night?

Also hanging out near the feeder is the current generation of Artemis. (Artemis helped start this blog, so we really enjoy seeing her and/or her relatives.) I finally had to go out anyway; the little birds are relieved that I've incidentally chased her off so they can have a snack before bedtime.


swamp4me said...

Glad to see you got your precip. Happy New Year!

Sally said...

Thanks, Swamp4... so was I!! As you can probably tell... Thanks for dropping in.