Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Walking in Nature

Today, Foothills Fancies has an entry (actually, two) to One Deep Breath, recommended by Endment. One Deep Breath is looking for haiku on this week's theme: Walking in Nature. Thanks for sharing, Endment!

beside a dead log

springs new life, form, and color:

Indian paintbrush

rock ledge overgrown

with moss, bearberry, lichen:

lion's secret lair?


Cate said...

Oh, these haikus are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them, as well as the lovely pictures!

It's nice to "meet" you!

Jennifer S. said...

Welcome to ODB! Love your poems. Great entry.

Becca said...

I am enchanted with the Indian Paintbrush!

Lovely photos and haiku. I really must go west someday and see this beauty for myself.

madretz said...

Awesome! That does look like a secret lair!