Berry-Go-Round, the plant carnival, comes of age this week with a rather spectacular 21st edition now available for your review at Beetles in the Bush. Thanks, Ted, for some inspiring reading!
While I was leaving a comment on someone's blog this morning, a tiny spider, possibly the smallest living thing I've ever seen with unaided eyes, dropped past my computer screen on a line. That incident reminds me to tell you that we have a spider post coming up soon here at Foothills Fancies! Inspired by Watcher's recent attention to arachnids (also here) and a lifelong admiration for these octopedal beings, I'm going to wade in with a few stories, and, most likely, a great many unanswered questions.
And the fate of this morning's spider? Before she landed, I grabbed her line to transport her somewhere less dangerous. The trouble with a half-millimeter spider is that it's tough to see where she lands, especially when she's swinging from a tether, but I always figure houseplants are a better survival opportunity than the pile of papers on my desk!
Thursday Poem - Another Spring
11 hours ago
Hi Sallie,
Thanks for the plug and for your contributions.
As I was putting the issue together, it occurred to me that I had still neglected to add you to my blogroll - fixed.
I've got something coming in the near future on spiders as well - I look frward to seeing what you come up with.
We're back home after a month away (and precious little computer access). We're happy to return to your blog, especially just in time to hear about this spider rescue! Being that small, your house plant will probably be a whole continent for it to explore =)
Ted-- thanks. It may be next week before I get back to spiders, as I have to go out of town, but I did update my blogroll...
K&R-- good to hear from you. I was just checking to see if you were around. Had a funny "flag" on my blogroll. Looking forward to more posts on your adventures.
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