Welcome to Edition #4 of the celebrated plant carnival, Berry-Go-Round. Those of us in the northern hemisphere are seeking and celebrating signs of spring, but we invite you to explore many other topics—and places—with us this month as well. Read on, plant friends!
(By the way, if you're featured here—or even if you're not—please help promote Berry-Go-Round by linking to this post from your site.)
Spring arrives in the south first, and our Texas Travelers captured it in photos of coastal wildflowers. If you’ve ever wondered about the namesake of fiction’s famous Scarlet Pimpernel (I know I have), Troy and Martha have got that covered too!
Laurent reports that some flowers get cleaned up and ready for spring with a flower bath. Amazing! While you're visiting Seeds Aside, take a look at the genetics of apples and explore the crossroad between biodiversity and health. Lastly, Laurent offers a seed guessing game that will challenge you.
GrannyJ revisits her reliable wildflowers, which have returned to Arizona at Walking Prescott.
Hedgewitch awakens our senses with the scent and lore of Lemon Balm, posted at Earth and Tree.
In Floyd, Virginia, Fred brings us someone in a pulpit and considers renaming a favorite spring flowering tree.
In Non-seasonal Works...
Nomenclaturally speaking, if you thought "Cypress" always meant "Cupressus," get an update from the wonderful folks at Botany Photo-of-the-Day, who explore the elegant and iconic Monterrey Cypress. You'll have many other daily plant fixes to choose from there as well, but hurry back, please!
While we're talking gymnosperms, Julia Heathcote feeds her Gondwanan gymnosperm fetish while reporting exciting but mysteriously overlooked news, "the botanical equivalent of finding a non-avian dinosaur on an island somewhere," at The Ethical Palaeontologist. Yes, Julia, it would be nice if people got as excited about plant discoveries... She also brings us an important announcement I think you'll enjoy. Congratulations, Julia!
Nunatak presents Darwin's Garden, An Evolutionary Adventure, a new exhibit at the New York Botanical Garden. Also at The Beagle Project Blog, she blogs on her own peer-reviewed research on genomics and plant evolution.
Luigi at the Agricultural Biodiversity Weblog asks that we mention the results of the first competition for agricultural biodiversity—a very interesting surprise winner announced on Earth Day. His other submission, on agriculture at a crossroads, is important reading on critical developments for any of us who like to eat and hope to continue doing so. It explores how modern agriculture has failed many poor farmers and discusses inequities in evolving agricultural systems, among other complex issues.
More Spring Gleanings
Spring is coming late here in the Colorado foothills, and I have no decent flower photos or posts to offer you yet. So just to widen our circle of plant enthusiasts, I've been out prowling for spring wildflowers in the blog world, and am happy to bring you a few more:
Although my photos of western spring beauties were a bit of a disappointment, Nina caught some great shots of eastern ones at Nature Remains. She later takes time out from her fascinating toad and salamander observations to comment on the trouble with flowers. I should be so troubled!
Kerri in Virginia shares excellent spring wildflowers, while Matt at Sitka Nature gets the early bryophyte with signs of spring in Alaska.
Janet brings us two tickets to springtime at the New England Flower Show; and John shows us we can even find color in pussy willows way up in Maine.
I turned up this beauty at the Reluctant Botanist. It's from Down Under, where February must mean late summer or fall, I guess.
Marvin at Three Steps Forward takes us on a walk in the woods, featuring his excellent photos of some of my favorite wildflowers of the eastern U.S. woodlands.
Kathie offers a colorful sunrise stroll in Sycamore Canyon, near Tucson, Arizona.
Lots more colorful Arizona flowers are provided by Leslie in this spring bouquet. That's quite a backyard! Also check out resurrection plant, a great recent post by next month's host, Miconia at A Neotropical Savanna.
Addendum: Just ran across these not-to-miss spring photos by Cate at Beyond the Fields We Know. Start here and scroll down through many favorites from the forests of eastern North America.
Thanks for stopping by! We hope this issue of Berry-Go-Round brightened your day a bit. Look for the next installment at A Neotropical Savanna by the end of May.
Sunday, Saying Yes to the World
16 hours ago
I'm glad to see you've gotten such a good response for this carnival. What a great way to index so many interesting posts and visit some new blogs.
Thanks for being a great hostess!
Great carnival ... thanks for hosting ... and thanks for the inclusion.
What a nice surprise. Thank you for including me in your plant carnival. I use to live in Colorado. Rabbit Mt. was one of my favorite places to walk. I was a volunteer Naturalist for the Boulder County Parks and Open Spaces for a brief time. I loved it. Nice blog you've got here. The links work just fine.
thanks for pointing to some fine posts.
Seems like pring is really the revival for plant blogging! Very nice edition.
Well laid out. Great format.
I have sure enjoyed it.
Nice job.
Thanks for the really nice job and hard work.
a lovely edition of the carnival.. i really enjoyed visiting the posts :-)
Thank you for including me in this carnival, this is my first time. Great job! Thanks for hosting.
Thanks, all, for your comments and participation. I hope some of you who are newcomers to carnivals will consider submitting posts in the future.
Hard work? Actually, I had a lot of fun doing this... Thanks for visiting.
Great job! I have BGR on my radar now. Had I not had such a busy month at work I might have put something together. Everyone loves me in April, lol. I have some ideas for next time though!
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